My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Monday, October 1, 2007

Increase Metabolsim

Metabolism Rate is affected by the following factors

• Repair muscle tissue (This is called the “afterburn” effect, Berardi says, and it can last for up to 24 hours. Strength training with heavier than usual weights uses up energy, too -- in order to repair small (healthy) muscle tears.)

• Meal frequency (the longer you go between meals the more your metabolism slows down to conserve energy)

• Activity level (important but doesn’t make any difference if you don’t match your eating to your expenditure)

• Food choices (ex. low-fat diets tend to result in poor hormone production which leads to a slower metabolism)

• hydration (over 70% of bodily functions take place in water – not enough water causes all your systems to slow down and unnecessary stress)

• genetics (some people have higher metabolisms than others – you can’t change genetics but you can still win the battle!)

• hormone production and function (think you have a slow thyroid? it’s not likely – before you go blame it on the thyroid first stabilize your blood sugar and throw in some progressive exercise 2-3 times each week)

• stress (stress also can slow metabolism by placing extra stress and strain on numerous systems. plus, many people tend to overeat when “stressed out”) - Breathing Exercise

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