My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 2 - Day 10 (IPPT with Nigel Preman)

It has been a while since i took the IPPT (Individual Physical Profiency Test).

The main reason why i am taking this test will be to want to encourage a trainee of mine, Nigel.
It has been some time since i met someone with "hunger" to want to achieve the "Gold" standard. The only station stopping him from getting Gold will be his 2.4km run whihc he has to do under 9min 15sec. The last run, he made it to 9min 20sec, just a short of 6sec and i am so sure that he already has the capacity to achieve below 9min if he just knows how to pace correctly.

All the stations (chin up, sit-up, shuttle run and broad jump) were smooth and what is left with is the run. The run started and we ran a 1min 30sec for every 400m for the first 4 laps. During the fifth lap, i thought we slowed down a little due to fatigue but looking at my watch, we hit a 7min 37sec when we headed into the last lap. That leave us with 1min 37sec for the final lap if we want to hit below 9min 15sec.

I turn and look at Nigel as we ran into the last lap, he picked up speed and looked strong and "HUNGRY!" I knew that the race is already over, we had made it, it is just a matter of going through the last lap and completing it. And without a shadow of doubt, Nigel gave his last burst in the last 100m and dash through the ending pt, clocking a timing of 9min 05 sec.

Great job, another good workout and fuifilling day.

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