My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Burn Fats without dieting, exercising and slimming pills...

As mentioned, to burn fats, you just got to ensure your equation of Calories In - Calories Out is a negative one.

Now lets go step by step to calculate how long can you reach your desired shape with your whatever current strategy you may have.

1st , calculate your BMR -
2nd, Mutiply it using the Activity Multipliers - BMR X Multipier = Calories Burnt Daily

3rd, Calculate your estimated calories intake using the calories table

4th, Calculate the Net Calories Gained/ Lost daily.

How is it? Are you gaining calories of lossing them?

NOW, lets set a plan for getting your desired shape.
To look like a lean, muscular guy, your fats percentage should be about 10%.

Now you got to calculate how much fats you got to burn off in order to reach that desired shape.

1st Calculate your body fats percentage - using Bioelectrical Impedence
2nd Calculate Weight
3rd Fats% X Weight = Fats you have in grams

4th Weight X 10% = Fats you will have when you reach your desired shape.

Using result from 3rd step minus 4th step, you will get the amount of fats you need to burn!

Use the amount of fats you need to burn, times 7700 (1kg of fats is approx 7700 calories)

This is the amount you need to lose.

Use this calories divide by the amount of calories you are lossing each day, you can roughly know when you are getting your desired shape!

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