My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Basal Metabolic Rate/ Body Fat Equation

In order to understand how fats are gain or loss, we must know this equation:

Body Fat Gain/Loss = Calories in - Calories Out

In general, if we do not burn off the excess calories we consume each day, they will get stored as fats.
3466 calories is approximately 450 grams of fat.

Some more important terms...
Basal Metabolic Rate
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment.
Put it simply, it is the amout of calories you burn if you sleep whole day.

Your individual BMR can be calculated using The Harris-Benedict equations
The original equations from Harris and Benedict are:
for men, BMR = 67 + (13.728 X Weight in kg) + (508 X height in metres) - (6.9 X age)
for women, BMR = 661 + (9.636 X Weight in kg) + (175.2 X height in metres) - (4.7 X age)

As such, my BMR is = 67 + (13.728 X 66) + (508 X 1.66) - (6.9 X 26) = 1636.928 calories

My meal intake approximately consitute about 3000 calories per day.

Will put in links of sites where we can see how much calorie intake each day...

i.e i take in about 1500 calories each day worth of fats if i do not exercise!

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