My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Purpose of Blogging

Welcome Myself to This Blog!

The purpose of this blog is to RECORD and KEEP TRACK of my progress in pursuit of a life filled with Power and Passion.

When i say Power, i do not mean Power over others, but rather, Power over myself. This is really an adaptation of Tony Robbins' term, Personal Power.

I had devoted the past few years of my life, searching and living, a Life of Passion. To my close friends especially those who started this journey with me, it may not seems that i have achieved much yet, but i do believe in the Power of Dreams and i do believe that God loves me and wants nothing but the best for me.

I had recently reviewed my 2008 journal and i am so grateful for my life. I have learnt and gained so much and now i am in a better position to make even better distinctions on who i am, what i want and how i can be and contribute even more. This journey of life is a continuous process rather than one with a definite end point, so lets get ready, get set, and lets FLY and live a life of power and passion.

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