My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Monday, December 29, 2008

5 Principles of Success in NLP

Thee are 5 principles of success derived from the traditional NLP teachings which is relevant up to today.

1) Know Your Outcome
Seems obvious isn't it? But the thing is most people do not know what they want. But most people want what they don't want. "We don't want our current job, our current boss, our current physical health, the piling debts etc."

Well, knowing what we do not want is actually a good first step, from there we will be able to derive what we really want.

So why is it important to know what we want?

Think about it, if we only know what we do not want, we are always running away from things. But if we do not know what we want, we are running away in a random direction. So chances are we will run to a place we may not want again.
But if we do know what we want, we can run towards that direction. Does it make sense?

2) Take Action
Ah ha! Feeling guilty already? Maybe, maybe not. People who know what they want, may not take action!!!
Why? Well, from my experience, it starts from some lousy beliefs... Listen and see if these sound familiar...

"Well, I got to be realistic... I got to pay my bills." "I will never be like him/her, they are born lucky with xxx talent or resouces..."

These are some of the internal conversation people have inside them EVERYDAY!

We will touch more on beliefs in a while. For now, understand that without actions, there will be no results! You already know that don't you?

3) Sensory Awareness: Know if you are getting results from your Actions!
We got to be aware if what we are doing is working or now. Some times, we just choose a particular action or strategy aiming for a particular goal and we become so engross in the stratgey that we forgot we what we want.

Remember a time you went dating with someone you love with the outcome of spending quality time? But along the way, the dating process didn't really work out and you become so engross with making it right that you forgot about the "quality time" outcome? So we got to be acute, or sharp with whether our actions are producing the results we want or not.

4) Behaviour Flexibility
What this really means is that once we are aware of the results of actions, we should change our behaviour or action until we achieve the results we want.

An expert in this area is a man named Thomas Edition. If he had not been an expert in this, we will probably be reading using candles...

5) Operate from physiology and psychology of Excellence
Sounds like a whole load of jargons! Do you ever remember a time when you wake up feeling lousy? For some, this feeling is recent!
But aren't there times you feel great waking up. Like when you are going for a holiday of your dreams?
These 2 different "states" do affect our ability to produce results, you would agree wouldn't you.

Imagine going for a presentation or even a date in a lousy "state". Compare this to entering the presentation room in a powerful, confident "state". In most cases, my gies would be that we all prefer to be in a great state and chances of getting the results we want in these states are much higher...

In NLP, state management is one fun and exicting area that we will touch on later.

So there we have the 5 principles of success. It has evolved since the beginning of times, and personally, i have no qualms about these issues, as long as it produce results and help empower people who use it.

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