My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Pre-Suppositions of NLP

In NLP, there are some Presuppositions or in lay man's terms, assumptions that we adopt. This will enable us to have the ability to become more effective in helping people if we choose these assumptions or we can call them "beliefs"

These are the presuppositions:

1)Respect others' model of the world
What this really means is that all of us see things perceive things differently. Instead of trying to force your point across to others, we should understand their point of view and from there allow the other person to see yours.

2) Resistance of another individual is a sign of lack of rapport
Almost everyone needs someone, but if they show resistance, it may appear that they do not want help or connection, rather it is a lack of rapport. In order to reach into someone, building rapport is essential. In NLP, there are some techniques to equip us with the skill to build rapport with people.

3) People are not behavior.
This is helpful when someone's behavour is disturbing to you. It tells you that this is just one behaviour the person adopt in the particular moment in that situation. who he/she is, is more than what they are displaying.

4) Everyone is doing their best with their available resources
It frustrates me to see excellent people leaving a mediocre life. And this presuposition helps me by telling me that these people are out of reach for certain resources which i can come in and help them realise.

5) The map is not the territory
This is very often used. It means that what we think is the reality may not be so, but rather what we choose to believe the truth to be.
More on this later.

6) We are in charge of our mind and therefore our results.
I really the following pharse becomes it makes so much sense
Reap a thought, sow an action
Reap an action, sow a habit,
Reap a habit, sow your character
Reap your character and you sow your destiny.

Everthing action begins from a thought and every action produce results. So we start by controlling our mind, which will ulitmately leads us to a destiny of our choice.

7) People have all the resources they need to succeed.
This doesn't necessary mean that they are in touch with these resources yet though.

8) All NLP procedures should have "wholeness"
This is particularly applicable to me. There are so many internal conflicts in my life. When i am woking, i think of my family, when i am with my family, i think of working harder...
So NLP processes is used to help us integrate these different parts of us.

9) There is no failure, there is only feedback
Seriously, what is failure? Failure is not even taking part of giving up. As long as we keep doing and improving, what is going to happen? We are going to get closer to what we want isn't it?

10) The meaning of the comunication is the response we get
We may think that we communicate very effectively and how on earth could this guy actually misinterpret? Well, the response we get is what we meant. It is also a feedback!

11) The person with more behavioral flexibility controls the system
Isn't this true? Once you become predictable, people control you like a chess game with predictable moves. But when you are unpredictabe and flexible, you control the game.

12) All procedures are designed to increase choice.
NLP is a process to give people more choices. Most people think that they do not have choices, thats why they are stuck in the current job, current physical state, current financial situation, current relationship status, NLP is designed to help create possibilities and choices.

So these are the presupossitions that NLP practitoners operate from. In fact, it will be useful for anyone to adopt any of these presuppossitions you find true and useful and you will see how your actions will changes which will ultimately change your results.

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