My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All Year Round Goals

I was thinking hard of what to set for my Physical Goal in year 2008 at the end of last year and decided to complete a Triathlon after being inspired by "Team Hoyt".

The magical thing about setting and writing goals is that we are in fact writing and creating our future in advance (with the Grace of God of course).

Well, i managed to complete the Triathlon which happened on the 13th July and what happended was that i found the lack of motivational to keep up with the fitness regime after that.

For this year, i aim to set all year round goals so i can see where i am heading each time i train...
Some possible ones would be:

2.4km (under 8min 45 sec)
Chin Up (25)
SBJ (260m)

July - Triathlon (under 3 hrs)

September - Half Iron Man (Complete)

December - Full Marathon (under 4hrs)

Alright, wit specific measurable goals, i cna start to craft my strategy to achieve them.

Do start setting soem of your goals (physical, relationship, spiritual, finances etc)

I will touch on my strategies for achieving these goals in the next post.

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