My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Quality Time with My Son

I have been revieiwng my 2008 times and realised that I would like to spend more quality time with my son.

of course, everyone has different rules on what consitute quality time and my personal definition is would be that times where we either:

1) Build bond through shared activities.
2) Learning and Developing Together.

As such, my goal this year is to spend at least 15min of quality time everyday.

15min? that sound so litlle. To me, it is a way of getting me to start. f i were to set a goal say, 1hour everyday and i know that i do not have a hour, chances are that i will even start. But if i were to spend 15min, chances are i will always have 15min and this 15min will likely strecth to hours.

Personally, i am rather against watching TOO MUCH TV. From "Family First", one of the pledge the author had taken as a father struck me and it was this," I will not ALLOW the TV to babysit my children".

That is one of the faults i felt i had commited as i keep rushing from events to events and spend insufficient time with my son, loving and learning with him.

In my next post, i will come up with a list of activities which i deem as quality time with my son.

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