My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Play Theraphy with the Child (Activities)

Come to think of it, the full tme job of a child is play.
So as a parent, to build bond with your child, the best way is probably by becomng his/her "collegue"...

So lets find out more about "play theraphy", the benefits and what are some activities we as parents can do with our children.

Here are some benefits of playing:

1) Reduce Stress
2) Teaches child social awareness
3) Provides Physical Exercise for the child
4) Simulates Creativity and Problem Solving

Some activities

1) Motor Skills
Art and craft (using scissors, drawing, painting, puzzles etc.)

2)Building Activities
Wooden Blocks, legos, cars etc

3) Transportation
Riding, cycling, skating

4) Music
Songs, dance, instrument

5)Fantsay Play
Toys, figurines

6) Nurturing Play
Role Play, imitating

7) Gross Motor activities
Soccer, throwing bean bag, softball

8) Animals
Plat fetchm careful rough horsing

Science, collecting

10) Board Games

11) Solitary Play
Pencil and paper, ,mazes

12) Social Play
Play with other children

It will be my goal to spend 15min of quality time and i can use this list to give me inout when i run out of ideas.

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