My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How to Build Instant Rapport?

2 Ideas on rapport that helps create the basis of instant rapport:

1) People who like each other like each other

2) Understanding The components of Communication

Based on studies, communication is affected by:

7% - Words
38% - Tonality
55% - Physiology

This means that main communication is through physiology

The way to build instant rapport is to mirror ones' physiology, tonality and words.

Physiologically, these are the areas we can "match" and "mirror":

1) Posture
2) Gestures
3) Facial Expression/ Blink Rate
4) Breathing Rate and Location

The difference between mirroring and matching is when we mirror someone, we become a mirror image. So if the person raise his right hand, we raise our left.
But in matching, we raise our right hands just as he/she does.

Mirroring is at a much deeper unconcious rapport, so much so that the person may agree with you so much so that they cannot even remember.


1) Pitch of voice
Raise your pitch but not to the point it seems that you are mimicking

2) Tempo/ Rate of Speech
Match the rate of speed.

3) The Temble or Quality of voice
If the voice is clear or not so clear

4) Volume of voice
Loud or quiet

In matching Tonality, we can just match the last 3 or 4 words they say.

1) Preticates

2) Key Words
E.g. Some of my friends like to say ,"Hey bro!" By matching "Hey Bro" back, we create an instant rapport. This is one area we can quickly practice.

3) Common Experiences

4) Content Chunks

So how do we know that we have been successful in creating unconcious rapport?
There are 4 indicators in which we can use to judge if we have successful created rapport:

1) The feeling inside ourselves.
If we get a feeling of familiarity, this is one indicator that we have been successful.

2) Shifting in Skin Color of other party.
One possible shift will be from lighter skin color to darker skin color.

3) When the other party say something to indicator he/she feels familiarity with you

4) When you lead and they follow.
So for example, after mirroring for some time, you cross your legs and they follow, it shows that we have been successful!

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