My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Rich, Fit and Happy

Can we be rich, fit and happy all at the same time?

That is actually a lousy question.

The right question should be, HOW can we be rich, fit and happy all at the same time?

That was the question i asked myself and God said in Matthew 7:7," Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"

In the past, i use to believe that in order to be rich, i got to give up something else that is important to me, like my time with my family, or giving up security of my family by risking a lot. Or it may be time to keep fit and healthy, sometimes even sinning against God by doing things that are not right.

After all, aren't rich people nasty, mean and evil? It is said that the love of money is the root of all evil isn't it?

That is definitely true. Anyone who loves money cannot love God. What i am asking you to do is not love money and make it your god, but learn to be a good steward of God.

But what is the true? Do rich people love money and work hard for it? or is it the people who lack of money actually worry and think about money all the time. This question, i will let you decide.

In fact, one way to show that you have power over money is the ability to give it away. Most people do not have that type of power, because every single cent is so precious to them so much so that they cannot bear to part with it.

And no, i am not saying spend money in an easy fashion.

Now, money is only one area of life which we should master. It will not make us happy, but i believe it is a fuel to let us enjoy happiness.

The next area is health and fitness. It is another enabler to make us happy.

Looking at the spook of life, a huge part is actually relationship - with our friends, family, self and God. It is my believe that there is where true joy and happiness is created.

Health and wealth are the fuel or batteries that enable these.

In this blog, it is my aim to share strategies to achieve all these Rich, Fit and Happy within a short period of time, so we can enjoy all aspect through our lifes.

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