My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Monday, January 5, 2009

Spook Of Life

Welcome to this blog!

Let me start by asking you a question? Are you happy where you are, with what you have, with whom you are?
The answer to your question would largely depend on what you focus on at the moment, wouldn't it? Lets just take me for example, if i focus on the fact that I have a lovely wife and son and a beautiful home and car, a great physical body, i will say i am happy.
But if i think of the fact that I have not spend enough quality time with my parents and friends, that I have not yet help bring anyone to salvation is Christ and that I still do not feel that I have mastered mysekf and contribute enough, i would say i am not happy.
What am i driving at? At any point of time, we can be happy by just focusing and being grateful with what we are blessed with, but at the same time, there is so much more space for us to grow.
At one point of time, it was my belief that in order to have excellence in one area of my life, it will have to be at the expense of another. E.g. In order to be financially successful, i will need to give up time and that means my relationship with my family, my creator and time to exercise is to be sacrificed. That was the point of time, i have no idea how to manage my spook of life effectively.
As i grow, i realised and learnt that there are success fundamentals which i need to first master before i rush out and make a million dollars or to build a beautiful temple of God (my body).
I subsequently learnt that every Spook of my life is to be managed to enjoy life to the fullest.
Just think about it, can you really be totally joyful and successful if any one Spook of Your life is not handled? Lets face the truth right now, if any Spook is not managed well, it will hinder every other Spook wouldn't it? (Refer to the diagram of my Spook below)
Some of us have already experienced it and faced huge problems because we have not taken an effort to master every Spook. For myself, the first sign of trouble was finances and there is where i went in search of Financial Mastery skills to get me out of the trouble.
And am i grateful for that trouble now that i think of it, because it was then i was exposed to Success Principles and learnt the importance of "becoming" before even "doing" and "having".
What this really means is that we can never become wealthy if we do not first become a wealthy person internally. I am not going into the spiritual realms, but just think about this, who we are, our character specifically is a summation of all of habits. And our daily habits are the things that create long term result isn't it?
If it is your habit to save, invest and create wealth, you are already a wealthy person even if you do not have a lot yet.
But if you are a spendthrift, guess how long your lottery money will last even if you struck a million. Research shows that within a year, 90 over % of lottery winners go bankrupt! Why?
Because they are not wealthy people to began with. By that i mean they do not have the skills, habits and mindset for wealth.
In this blog, i will share with you 2 components which are essential to having total success in life:
1) Success Fundamentals
This is where you learn to "install" important skills to create and handle success. Remember, you got to "become", before you can 'Do' and 'Have'.
2) Spooks Strategies
This is where i will share strategies which i used and achieved tremendous success in areas of relationship, finances, physical health, personal mastery and even spirituality.
So do hang around and do shrae with me your strategies and your thoughts.
Your Spook of Life Coach,
Sean Seah Weiming

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