My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Friday, January 16, 2009

Life Improving Business

In a short span of less than 2 years, i have accumulated effective, results producing strategies in all major areas of my life, namely, Wealth and Financial Strategies, Physical Appearance and Wellness Strategies, Relationship Strategies and Personal Mastery Strategies.

Most of these strategies are obtained through studying of people who are a;lready successful in these fields and capturing the essences of ther strategies. In some instances, i formulated some of my own personal strategies.

On the course of learning these strategies, i found that i love to share these strategies with people around as it excites me to know that these people i care for can change the quality of their finances, physical state and relationship when they apply them.

Most of them time, i managed to get them hyped up momentarily and was disturbed after checking on them some time later and realised they have not taken action.

This is when i soughted new strategies to find out how to make people TAKE ACTION. I found NLP - Neuro Lingustic Programming.

This is a very logical technique that makes use of individuals' exsisting resources within themselves to produce results that they want. In fact, this is one of the major "presuppositions" of NLP practitioners. A presuppositon is a conveinant belief or assumption that we NLP practitioners choose to hold because having that belief enable to produce better results.

This belief works beautifully for everyone i have met, simply because in the course of our lives, we have accumulated a whole lot of variety of experiences that generates different emotions. And we must realise one thing, it is emotions that causes us to take action. In whatever we do, we do because we either want to get good emotions, or avoid negative, lousy emotions.

So logically, we should not smoke, take drugs or eat too much, but why do we do that? Answer: It makes us feel good instantaneously.
For people who do not smoke, is because they want o avoid feeling lousy in the long run...

Wait a minute, am i contradicting myself? Since smoking gives you both good and bad feeling, don;t we choose based on logic?

The reason why someone choose to smoke or not, is really which "feeling" or "emotions" is more REAL right now.

Someone who sees a ciagerette box and sees the warning "Smoking Cause Cancer" may in their mind picture the endstate of having cancer and feel disgusted. Thus they drop any idea of smoking.
Another individual on the other hand sees the same box but continue to smoke anyway because they feel the "urge" which reminds them of how good they would feel after some deep breaths of nicotine...

This theory works is applicable to all things, be it snacking, procasinating etc...

In my life chaning business, i have all the effective strategies what once anyone applies them consistently, would very likely produce the results. It is like a series of recipes for success. Now, with NLP applied into the programs, I can increase the chance of people actually applying the strategies and fill their lifes with joy and passion!

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