My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Sunday, January 4, 2009

How to Structure Outcome

These are nine questions based on NLP technology to help us structure our outcome.

1) What do you want?

2) Evidence: How will i know i am succeeding/ already succeeded?
- How do i know that i am on track?
- How do i measure my success?
- How will i know when i have gotten it?

3) Specifics: Where, when and with whom?
- Where do i want it to be?
- When specifically do i want it?
- In what context do i want this?

4) What resources do i want?
- Objects
- People
- Role Models
- Personal Qualities
- Money

5) Control: Can i start and maintain the outcome?
- What an i do directly to get this outcome?
- How can i persuade others to help me?

6) Ecology: What are the wider consequences?
- What time and effort will this outcome need? Everything has opporuntity cost.
- Who else is affected and how will they feel?
- What will you have to give up when you achieve this outcome?
- What is good about the present situation?
- What else could happen when i get my outcome?

7) Is this outcome keeping with who you are?

8) How do my outcomes fit together?

9) Action Plan: What do i do next?

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