My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reverse Crunch Exercise

Areas Targeted = Lower Abs + Upper Abs
The reverse crunch exercise primarily develops, strengthens, and defines the lower abdominal muscles. It also helps to develop the upper abdominal area as well.

What it should look like:

How to position yourself for a reverse crunch
To do a reverse crunch, you'll want to start by lying flat on your back with your upper body relaxed and your hands resting at your sides.

Place both hands underneath your buttocks so that your thumbs are directly below your sitting bones to support your back throughout the duration of the exercise. (If doing this is uncomfortable in any way, simply remove your thumbs from under your buttocks.)

Next, lift your legs so they are perpendicular to the ground, as if they were pointing up to the ceiling. Bend your knees so they are approximately at a 90 degree angle.

How to perform the reverse crunch
Contract your lower abs and slowly lift your buttocks and hips a few inches off the ground. With each lift make sure you exhale smoothly and use your breath to help you with the lifting movement.

Once you've reached your peak, squeeze your lower abdominal muscles for one to two seconds and slowly release the rest of the air from your lungs.

Keeping your lower abs tight, inhale deeply and lower yourself back down to the ground in a slow, controlled movement.

Once your buttocks is resting on the floor once again, release the contraction and relax your abs for about one second.

You should be back in the starting position at this point and getting ready to repeat the movement to finish your set with your desired number of repetitions.

Things to remember when doing a reverse crunch
During each repetition, remember to fill your lungs with air using controlled, deep inhalations and remember to keep your head and shoulders relaxed on the floor while performing this exercise.

Once you've reached your peak, keep your hips elevated for one to two seconds while squeezing your abs vigorously.

Try to do this exercises slowly -- both on the way up and on the way down.

And always try to use your breath to give you strength during the exercise.

And that's it! You're Done!

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