My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Knee-In Exercise

The Knee-In Exercise
Area Targeted = Lower Abs

The knee in exercise develops, strengthens, and defines the lower abdominal area. It also includes the upper abdominal area and the external obliques as well.
How to position yourself for knee ins
Lie flat on your back, with your legs extended straight out. Place your hands beneath your buttocks so your sitting bones are resting on top of your thumbs.
Keeping your feet together, lift your legs and feet three to six inches off the ground.

How to perform knee ins

Take a deep breath in and focus your attention on your lower abdominal muscles.
Breathe out and flex your lower abdominal muscles while pulling your knees in toward your chest. You'll want to try to bring your knees in to a ninety degree angle if possible.
Once you've reached your peak, squeeze out all the air from your lungs by flexing your lower abdominal muscles as hard as you can for one to two seconds.
Keeping the tension on your lower abdominal muscles, take a deep breath in and begin to extend your legs out toward the floor until they are three to six inches from the ground again.
Keeping your feet from touching the floor, take another deep breath in and repeat the movement until you have completed your set.

What your knee ins should look like

Things to remember when doing knee ins

Don't allow yourself to rock back and forth. Rocking reduces the effectiveness of the exercise and could lead to injury. Take your time with this exercise and keep your body steady and controlled.
Picture any fat you may have melting away from your lower abdominal area and hard, well-defined muscles replacing any fat that was once there.
Don't let your feet touch the ground and try to keep your knees and feet together.
Keep your mind focused on developing your lower abdominal muscles, and visualize your lower abs looking exactly the way you want them to eventually look throughout the entire exercise.
Remember to breath naturally with each repetition.
If you would like a little bit more of a challenge you can bring your knees in closer to your chest if you'd like, but try not to lift your lower back off the ground.

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