My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Formula for Success (in any areas of your life)

This post is inspired by the previous post from Vince DelMonte. The previous post stated that any work-out program will work as long as you follow this "Success Recipe".

Putting it into perspective, this Success Recipe will work for any areas of your life. Lets review:

1) Believe in the Prorgam:
In anything you do, Set A Clear, Specific Goal and Create a Plan. Then add in the most important aspect - BELIEVE that you can achieve the goal! Your goal and plan can be flexible, but your BELIEVE that you will one day be the person you want to be and/or you will achieve your goals soon, MUSY NEVER CHANGE. If your belief is gone, ALL HOPE is gone.

2) Consistency:
Take massive, consistent action. It is not what you do once in a while, once a year, once half a year!
It is WHAT YOU DO EVERY DAY AND WEEK that makes you what you are.
If you are fat, it is because you over-ate once or twice a year? NO! It is WHAT YOU DO EVERYDAY.
Look at Slyvestor Stallone, he is in this shape because of what he does EVERYDAY!!! In fact, he is who he is today (a successful movie star), because of what he does everyday before and after he became successful. He wrote scripts and travel around to sell his script everyday. And Everyday of his life, he dreams and believe that he will one day be who he already is today!

Another person i would like to talk about is Tiger Woods. When he was 13 years old, he believed that he will one day be WORLD NO.1 Golfer. And his believe carried him through. But that is not all, EVERYDAY, TIGER WOODS HITS ABOUT 800 GOLF BALLS! That is consistency!

3) Intensity (Stretch Goals and Continuous Improvement) :
Did Slyvestor Stallone stop, relax and enjoy himself once he became succesful after his First ROCKY Movie? The fact that there is Rocky 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 tells you the answer. He never stops improving! You can check out his shape and body from Rocky 1 to Rocky 4. He is geting fitter (even though he already past 30yrs old since Rocky 1). Similiarly, we need to push ourselves in the area we want to succeed in. Even in relationships with your loved ones, they are either GROWING or DYING. Nothing really stays stagnant! So choose, grow or die...

4) Fuel
In terms of workout program, you need the right amount of fuel. You need to eat right. In other areas, the correct mental and emotional fuel is needed too! Motivation and love. Everyday, what is it that push you towards taking consistent action? It is the emotion - the excitment of knowing that you are moving towards your goals. I motivate myself using this blog. I take pictures of myself and look out for inspiring role models such a Slyvestor Stallone, Vincent Ng, Tiger Woods etc. They are my fuel.
My trainees are my fuel too, i picture them having more trust in me because i have been there, done that and am still THERE.
What is your fuel? Your friends, your promise to your loved ones?

One more thing to add that i learnt. Through this journey, we must also learn to take feedback and learn from mistakes. If a workout is not suitable or not showing results, we got to find out WHY and HOW to Improve.

Follow this recipeto success and do tell me if there is any reason for anyone not to make it.

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