My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Eggs - White, Yolks or Both?

Hi Guys,

So many times, i have been told that we should consume the egg whites to get Protein and we should also leave the Egg Yolks out to rduce cholesterol... myth or truth?

From the recent newsletter i have gotten from Mike Geary,,

This is what he has to say


By throwing out the yolk and only eating egg whites, you're essentially throwing out the most nutrient dense, antioxidant-rich, vitamin and mineral loaded portion of the egg. The yolks contain so many B-vitamins, trace minerals, vitamin A, folate, choline, lutein, and other powerful nutrients... it's not even worth trying to list them all.

In fact, the egg whites are almost devoid of nutrition compared to the yolk. Even the protein in egg whites isn't as powerful without the yolks to balance out the amino acid profile and make the protein more bio-available.

Not to even mention that the egg yolks from free range chickens are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids.

Yolks contain more than 90% of the calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, B6, folate, and B12, and panthothenic acid of the egg.

In addition, the yolks contain all of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the egg, as well as all of the essential fatty acids. And now the common objection I get all the time when I say that the yolks are the most nutritious part of the egg... "

But I heard that whole eggs will skyrocket my cholesterol through the roof" No, this is FALSE!
First of all, when you eat a food that contains a high amount of dietary cholesterol such as eggs, your body down-regulates it's internal production of cholesterol to balance things out. On the other hand, if you don't eat enough cholesterol, your body simply produces more since cholesterol has tons of important functions in the body. And here's where it gets even more interesting... There are indications that eating whole eggs actually raises your good HDL cholesterol to a higher degree than LDL cholesterol, thereby improving your overall cholesterol ratio and blood chemistry. And 3rd... high cholesterol is NOT a disease! Heart disease is a disease...but high cholesterol is NOT.

It was hypothesized that the egg eaters actually ate less calories during the remainder of the day because their appetite was more satisfied compared to the cereal/bagel eaters who would have been more prone to wild blood sugar swings and food cravings."

Thanks for the advice Mike,

For you guys out there who has doubts, honestly, so do i.

Well, ut i will try it out for a few weeks and let you know the results

Look Good, Feel Good

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