My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Basal Metabolic Rate/ Body Fat Equation

In order to understand how fats are gain or loss, we must know this equation:

Body Fat Gain/Loss = Calories in - Calories Out

In general, if we do not burn off the excess calories we consume each day, they will get stored as fats.
3466 calories is approximately 450 grams of fat.

Some more important terms...
Basal Metabolic Rate
Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy expended while at rest in a neutrally temperate environment.
Put it simply, it is the amout of calories you burn if you sleep whole day.

Your individual BMR can be calculated using The Harris-Benedict equations
The original equations from Harris and Benedict are:
for men, BMR = 67 + (13.728 X Weight in kg) + (508 X height in metres) - (6.9 X age)
for women, BMR = 661 + (9.636 X Weight in kg) + (175.2 X height in metres) - (4.7 X age)

As such, my BMR is = 67 + (13.728 X 66) + (508 X 1.66) - (6.9 X 26) = 1636.928 calories

My meal intake approximately consitute about 3000 calories per day.

Will put in links of sites where we can see how much calorie intake each day...

i.e i take in about 1500 calories each day worth of fats if i do not exercise!

Day 1 - Blue Print/ Planning

Food Intake
Breakfast - A cup of Milo + Donut
Lunch - Plain water, Half Roast Chicken with rice and Vegetables
Dinner -

Bench Press 3 sets of 10
Diamond Push Ups 20
Wide Push Ups 10

Alt Knee 2 sets of 20
Knee Tuck 3 sets of 10

Arms (5kg Weights)
Biceps Curl 3 sets of 10
Triceps Curl 3 sets of 10

Shoulders (5kg Weights)
Shoulder Press 3 sets of 10
Side Raise 3 sets of 10
Front Rasie 3 sets of 10

Measuring your Fats

1. Circumference of your relaxed waist (around belly button). Anything more than 36 inches means too much belly fats. Holds true for men of all height


Intervals Training - Burn 3 times more fats

Research by University of New South Wales (Australia)

Running Intervals, or Sprint with intermittent rest periods, burns 3 times as much fat as running slow, consistent speeds.

Hmm.. got to find out more about this research as this statement is quite ambiguous.

3 times more fats burn - but is it with the same amount of distance as running slowly. Or is it the same amount of time spent. If it is the time spent then it is definitely a no-brainer since you are running at at fast rate for the same amount of time.

Renovating the Temple of God - Blue Print

Hi Guys,

Yesterday (30th Sept 2007), i looked into the mirror at my God given temple, i knew that i have not been a good steward in keeping his temple in a good "shape". As such, i decided to do a bit of renovating. I am going to shape it up to a temple which i can use to Glorify the Lord and not disgrace him.

I took a few pictures of the temple and will continue to monitor the renovation process.

Looking at the current state, i have a lot to do and i need to find a good strategy to get all this job done.

I need to understand the Art of Shaping the Temple.

Put it simply, there are 2 things for me to do

1) Burn Fats

2) Build Muscles

And these need to be specific, exactly which part of the temple i want to rebuild. i need a blueprint before i begin to work.

At the end of my renovation, my temple should look something like this:

Judging from my current state, there are a number of areas i need to work on:

1) Shoulders

2) Chest

3) Arms (Biceps, triceps,)

4) Abs (Internal, External, Obliques(bye bye, beautiful love handles) )

To achieve this, i will need to change (break!) my dieting and exercise patterns.
Got to do some research on these areas....