My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Cheat Meal A Month, Keeps Us Lean

Hey guys,

Something that i learnt. As we stay discipline and keep to our nutrition plan, we should recognize the need for a Cheat Meal, i.e. set aside a day once a fornight or month where we eat ANYTHING we want, in whatever quantity we want for that meal.

WHY???? - isn't that destroying ourseleves?

The truth is that there is great advanage dong it.

1) Increased Metabolism Rate - The sugar overload will spike your insulin and revampyour leptin levels when kept to only one day. This, in turn,increases your metabolic rate (but only when done very infrequently).

2) Refreshed Body - Eating all you want for just one meal gives your body a refreshing break. So make sure to get a good high intensity weight training workout the day after your overeating day, and you'll get one of the best muscle pumps you'll ever experience!

3) Refreshed Mind - Same goes for your mind. Putting in the cheat meal is in fact good for your mind. Many people control their diet so much that when they finnaly give in, they felt that they had wretch their plan and feel so discouraged that they totally give up. But by planning a cheat meal once in a while, we know that it is part of our plan to have a refreshing break and that gives us extra boost to carry on from there.

Hey so do plan in a cheat meal every fornight or monthly. it need not be scheduled, but allow yourself to indulge in your favorite candy buffet or yummy mouth watering chocolate foundle.

Look good, feel good,
V Shape Club Founder

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