My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Friday, November 16, 2007

2.4km Training - Intervals Training

Congrats! You just found a training secret for 2.4km success!

For begineers who do not know what intervals training is.... It is usually done on a track where we know how far we are running. From the 400m starting point, run one round (400m) in 1 min 50 sec and when you are done, rest 1 min 50sec. This is what we will call 1:1 rest time. Do this for 6 rounds.

Subsequently training sessions, you should reduce both the running time and rest tme. i.e. we increase our speed. An ideal timing to meet will be below 1 min 30 sec for all 6 rounds.

Let me explain how intervals training helps.

1) It inputs into our muscles memory the pacing. Well you see, the more we run intervals, the more our body is programmed to understand how to pace. And pacing is one of the most important factor in the 2.4km test.

2) It increases our endurance. Although there is rest time in between each round we run, our body is fact getting fitter with each training session. We can easily expect as improvement of about 30secs with each intervals training IF you are a beginner. Also, remember i mentioned an ideal pace will be 1 min 30 secs - why?

1 min 30 secs each 400m for 2.4km will be a timing of 9 min.
If you are training for GOLD standard which is below 9min 45 sec, you will only need to maintain the pace of 1 min 35 sec (which will give you 9 min 30 sec).

Rememebr your body is used to running 1 min 30 sec already and if you put it onto a speed of 1 min 35 sec, what do you think will happen? Your body will feel comfortable enough to last all 6 rounds.

I trained many trainees using intervals training and i noticed that once they can hit the 1 min 30 sec pace for intervals, they either hit 2.4km Gold timing by a bit or missed it by a bit.

Subsequently, i increase the training distance to 800 m and the trainees are required to run 3 min and rest 3 min. We do this for 3 rounds for initial training sessions and increase it to 4 rounds. And guess what, results improve significantly.

Ok, you know what now? Knowledge is power only when you put it to action!

Look good, feel good, God Bless!

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