My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Abdominal Crunch Exercise

The Abdominal Crunch Exercise
Area Targeted = Upper Abs

The crunch develops, strengthens, and defines the upper abdominal area. The lower abdominal area is only slightly affected by this movement.

How to position yourself for an abdominal crunch

Lie flat on your back and bend your knees so your feet are close to your buttocks.
Your knees should be pointing towards the ceiling and your feet should be flat on the floor with your feet together.
Place your hands behind your head or beside your ears to support and guide your head and neck during the exercise.

How to perform the abdominal crunch

Begin by taking a deep breath in and focusing on your upper abdominal area.
On your exhale, flex your upper abdominal muscles as hard as possible and slowly raise your shoulders off of the floor in a curling movement until your shoulders are completely off the ground.
Take another deep breath in and slowly begin to lower yourself back down to the ground while keeping your upper abdominal muscles tight.
Once you've come back to the starting position, relax your upper abdominal muscles for one second and repeat the movement again until you have completed your set.

What your crunch should look like

Things to remember when doing crunches

Do not use your arms to pull up or lift your head. Your arms should only be used to support your head and neck during this exercise.
Lift from the chest area; do not pull on your neck.
As you work, imagine your belly button pressing down through your body into the floor.You only want to be lifting your shoulders and upper back off the group, not your whole body.
Do not bounce or try to come off the floor too quickly. Bouncing, jerking, rushing or lurching off the floor can lead to injury. Always use slow, controlled movements and remember to breathe with the movement.

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