My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Renovating the Temple of God - Blue Print

Hi Guys,

Yesterday (30th Sept 2007), i looked into the mirror at my God given temple, i knew that i have not been a good steward in keeping his temple in a good "shape". As such, i decided to do a bit of renovating. I am going to shape it up to a temple which i can use to Glorify the Lord and not disgrace him.

I took a few pictures of the temple and will continue to monitor the renovation process.

Looking at the current state, i have a lot to do and i need to find a good strategy to get all this job done.

I need to understand the Art of Shaping the Temple.

Put it simply, there are 2 things for me to do

1) Burn Fats

2) Build Muscles

And these need to be specific, exactly which part of the temple i want to rebuild. i need a blueprint before i begin to work.

At the end of my renovation, my temple should look something like this:

Judging from my current state, there are a number of areas i need to work on:

1) Shoulders

2) Chest

3) Arms (Biceps, triceps,)

4) Abs (Internal, External, Obliques(bye bye, beautiful love handles) )

To achieve this, i will need to change (break!) my dieting and exercise patterns.
Got to do some research on these areas....

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