My Life, My Dream, My Destiny

Thursday, December 25, 2008

2009 Focused Goals

Below are the set of Specific Goals i am commited to achieve for 2009.

I used my personal method of S.O.A.R (Specific Results, Obstacles, Action Plan and Reason) to set these goals.

Spiritual Goals 2009

Specific Result
Complete Bible Reading in a Year
Count my Blessings Everyday
Pray Everyday
Weekly Bible Verse Sharing with Wife (Sundays)

Field camps

Solution: Bring bible and journal along in a waterproof bag

Action Plan
Get a journal
Print Bible Reading Plan – chunk it down
Communicate with wife this goal

Reason for Goal
Grow closer to God, let God be a partner in running my life
Understand God’s word better so I can live purposefully and I can share God’s love with people.

Physical Goals 2009

Specific Result
Food, snacks
Field Camps

Choose Healthier snacks - fruits
Eat lesser during meals to compensate for snacks

Action Plan
- Gym 2 times per week
- Cardio Exercise (Run/ Cycle/ Swim) 2 times a week
- Pilates (To stretch and grow taller and leaner)

- 1 Cheat day per week only
- Eat lesser carbo and fats
- Choose healthier snack (incantation: Nothing taste as good as FIT)

Get a weekly monitoring chart

Reason for Goal
Look good for confidence
Look good to inspire soldiers, friends.
Got to take care of temple of God
Feel good for more energy to work towards other Goals

Family (Wife) Goals 2009

Specific Result
Grow Spiritual by sharing bible verse once a week
Grow in Relationship by dating once every fortnight
Grow physically by getting wife in a sport or exercise (Pilates) after her confinement period

House work
Fieldcamps /SAF stuff

Come up with a routine for house work
- Saturday Morning Weekly Cleaning
- Childcare centre/ Parents and in laws
Finish up SAF Stuff within 3 days whenever task is issued.

Action Plan
Print bible reading plan for wife
Fortnightly dating
- Show appreciation using 5 love language strategy
o Acts of Service (Massage/ Housework)
o Gifts (Small cards, flowers etc)
o Quality Time (Dating)
o Physical Touch (Massage)
o Words of Affirmation (Cards, SMS)

Start looking out for exercise that will interest wife
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Volleyball

Organise beach out party in July and Dec so she (and me) will be motivated to work out.

Reason for Goal
She is the most important person to me and I need to help her grow and also grow our relationship to be a fun loving and romantic one.

Family (Son) Goals 2009

Specific Result
Spend 15 min of quality focused time with son everyday I am home.
Read at least 1 book a month on how to be a better parent/ father and use at least one lesson learn.

Field Camps

Get myself in State (think of missing him in Australia)
Compensate using OIL and weekends.

Action Plan
Prepare a list of activities to do with him
- Reading
- Sports
- Shicida Methods
o Linking Memory
o Flash Cards
o Story Telling (Speed reading)
o Singing
o Alphabets
- Games

Reason for Goal
So that we will have a really great relationship.
I want to be his friend, mentor, coach.

Personal Development Goals 2009

Specific Result
Become a Trainer by Dec 2009
– Achieve Certified Professional Trainer Certificate
– Start Training as a Trainer by Dec 2009

Master NLP by Dec 2009
– Be NLP Master Practitioner Certified by Dec 2009


On Job Training
Start Giving Seminars in Camp
Use NLP on soldiers

Action Plan
Take Course
- Mastery Asia
o Vasnath

- Start sending resume to training companies

Reason for Goal
To become a great communicator to share ideas and knowledge to empower people to live a great passionate life

Financial Goals 2009

Specific Result
Development financial muscles to create passive/non SAF income of $10k/month by Dec 2009

Lack of Focus

Magnifying glass theory
Time management

Action Plan
- Journal and Post Every Trade
- Follow Trading Plan – Trade Beautifully
- Daily Trading and Practice using Past Data
- Journal (Print Charts and Comments)
- Post Trades on Blog and Forum
- Weekly Analysis (On Saturday Morning)

Options Sales Strategy
• Sell CALL/ PUT based on Buffet’s Stocks
• Do monthly updates and research
• No impulse actions during trades – wait for options to expire

Trading Tuition
• AIM: $3500 per month ($700 X 5)
• Find a Place
• CC?
• Home Tuition?
• Send Pamphlet
• Letterbox
• House to House
• Cars
• Lifts

Edu Biz
AIM: $3000 per month

Reason for Goal
I want the financial muscles to achieve Freedom and Abundance.
I want to achieve it at a young age (before 30 years old) so that I can have a lifestyle that is God and Family Center.
I want to achieve it fast so that I can give to my parents and in-laws so that they can enjoy life!

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